WCS Vibrant Oceans Baseline Coral Reef Monitoring

Published 10 Jun 2021, Updated 15 Jun 2024
By Sharla Gelfand - Wildlife Conservation Society , Jane Rosse - Wildlife Conservation Society
Sea surface temperature
Bar plot
This case study follows an analysis of baseline coral reef studies for Vibrant Oceans, completed by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

The original survey and analysis covered 168 sites across Tanzania, Fiji, and Indonesia, surveying underwater information across a diversity of management, habitat types, and other environmental characteristics. This analysis is a small subset, only using publicly available data, and intended to illustrate the usage of mermaidr for such a project.

First, we load mermaidr and search for projects tagged with “Vibrant Oceans”:

A sample of WCS Vibrant Ocean survey sites, ordered by hard coral cover

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Reef fish biomass

Next, let’s turn to reef fish biomass. Similarly to the step above, we can get this data by filtering for projects that have publicly available summary data for it.

Live hard coral cover

We’ll focus on hard coral (benthic PIT) data first. We can get this data by filtering for projects that have publicly available summary data for it (returning both the Taka Bonerate and Dama Bureta Waibula and Dawasamu projects):