Signing up

To use MERMAID,  you need to sign up at

You can 'sign up with Google' to use an existing Gmail account and associated password, or enter a different email and create a password specific to MERMAID. Your account will be linked to your email.

Only users who have a MERMAID account can collect data on MERMAID. Emails not associated with MERMAID accounts can be specified by other users as Sample Unit observers; but without an account you cannot interact with the data.

MERMAID is only officially supported on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, and may not fully work with other browsers, like Explorer or Safari.

After signing up you will receive a confirmation email to verify your new account. You can access your profile information by clicking on the avatar in the upper right corner of any page. Here you can view your email and name, and change your MERMAID account name.

Signing up

Signing up to our MERMAID page

If you forget your unique password for MERMAID, click 'Don’t remember your password?' on the login page to receive an email with a link to reset your password.

If you signed up for MERMAID using Google and forget your Gmail password, you must reset your password through Google.

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